Classic Functional™
Classic Functional™ posted
Shaffer Plate
This orthotic has a revolutionary shell that will retain its shape, even with rigorous wear and constant flexing. It is very lightweight and can be used as an all-around orthotic, even for most sports.
Control - Excellent biomechanical control.
Uses - Abnormal rearfoot and forefoot biomechanics such as: plantar fasciitis, abnormal patellar tracking, shin splints, chondromalacia, and hip pain.
Standard Materials - Extrinsic neoprene heelpost, thin plastic wear plate under heel post, intrinsic forefoot post, high-impact polypropylene shell, and leather-like vinyl top cover. As seen here, it can also be posted extrinsically in the forefoot, giving it more functional control. The extrinsic post can be a tip post as shown or it can be posted completely across the forefoot. The heel can be posted intrinsically, if needed, for extra shoe room.
Cast Corrections - Automated wax cast corrections. Standard is comfort with control or as directed.
Modified Whitman Plate
This orthotic is not shown here but it contains a high medial flange and a lateral heel flange, a rearfoot extrinsic post with intrinsic forefoot post. Used in treatment of severely pronated feet up to about 4 years of age.
Shaffer Plate
As shown here, a high medial flange can be added for more functional control.
Gait Plate for Intoeing
Contains a high medial and lateral flange. Many types of intoeing contain secondary pronation. The orthotic is posted in the forefoot and heel to prevent abnormal pronation, while having a gait extension to produce external rotation. Used in treatment up to about 5 years of age.